Tuesday, August 14, 2012

mono polly

so our day of the monopoly pub crawl began. all bright eyed and bushy tail from a goodnight sleep before hand, we headed out for a grand day of sampling new pubs that we had never heard of. 

first stop off- liverpool street. 
yes we did skip a couple at the start but this one was the easiest for us to get to from home and we might have left the house a little later than scheduled

 No 2 on the stop. Angle Islington
played some trivia whilst drinking

down the road to number 3

enjoyed the sunshine outside

forgot the photo for 4 of kings cross...
and came up to Euston rd for a pick me up of a jagger BOMB at the rocket

then for marylebone station had a cider here

after the longest stretch of travel according to our map we stopped here for the park lane pub where we were entertained by a giraffe aka some english guys impression of one, and i must say he was spot on...

 at number 8, mayfair we needed another pick me up!

had a quick half pint here at piccadilly's pub and was on to the next one

here pall mall's pub we started to get chatty. unfortunately we had unusual company of another group of lads doing the crawl as well, and when i say lads i mean old fat english men. but hy they were buying us shots and jagger bombs so who can really complain

 getting our drunk faces on!

 and the last pub on our tour was whitehall. there was a meal to be had and a couple more drinks too. millie and i tried to go further as the rest of our group went home but i couldn't read the map and millie couldn't either. we found our selves doing our own thing. found some people dressed up in aussie flags but were english people, go figure. as their token australians millie and i joined them and headed to the walkabout but millie got me back for all the times i've forgotten my id when i've been with T&A so came home and had some dirty chicken!!
photographer; amber jean foster & millie giuffre

!good day/night!
☼ ☾

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